With Microsofts “Office 365” and “Microsoft 365” plans you get extensive toolsets with numerous powerful features.
How to smartly leverage these features for your concrete use cases is basically up to you – for example if you want to manage your projects in SharePoint you have to design and setup an appropriate SharePoint site structure by yourself. Or if you want to implement some kind of approval workflow – e.g. for leave requests or auditing of accounts – you have to build this by yourself in Power Automate.
This is where our COSMER 365 plans come into play – they contain prebuild solutions for real world use cases like:

  • 4- or 6-eye approval workflows
  • document management sites with integrated e-mail management
  • multi-project management sites
  • governance solutions for SharePoint and Teams
  • E-Mail signatures
  • Dataprotection and backup

and much more.

Of course, you can continue to use existing “Office 365” and “Microsoft 365” plans and subscribe to our extended plans separately.

COSMER 365 Security Presets

Security risks are currently increasing massively, particularly due to ransomware attacks. A significant number of organizations and companies have already fallen victim to such attacks. As part of the Microsoft cloud infrastructure, extensive functions are available to reduce such risks.
The COSMER 365 Security Presets are essentially based on Microsoft’s recommendations for optimal security settings for Office 365 tenants and target two main goals:

  1. Optimization of the security settings for Office 365 tenants in order to eliminate the risk of successful attacks as far as possible.
  2. Optimization of the backup strategy for a reliable recovery of all data in case of a successful attack.


With SharePoint, you have a powerful product for collaboration and document management on hand as part of Office 365.
We support your implementation and efficient usage with a comprehensive range of add-ons and consulting services, for example:


On your way to the cloud we are happy to support you with our migration services. For this we use tools from our partners BitTitan, CodeTwo and ShareGate.


Includes one of the following Microsoft plans:

  • Office 365 Enterprise E1
  • Office 365 Enterprise E3
  • Office 365 Enterprise E5

Learn more about these Office 365 plans

  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic
  • Microsoft 365 Business Standard
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Learn more about these Microsoft 365 plans

Additional costs in addition to the prices specified by Microsoft for the packages listed above:


Try it for free for 30 days

The following additional features are available to you:

Intranets: Complete your intranet projects quickly with our intranet sites and use our site templates for this.

Workflows: Our workflow management solution already contains numerous standard workflows and can easily be expanded with your own workflows.

ECM Standard: Allows you to leverage an integrated document management system that manages all types of documents (including e-mails) in one single system. Benefit from functions such as document versioning and workflows, a powerful metadata-supported search for any document content and revision-proof archiving.

Support: Technical product support with personal contacts by phone or e-mail at no extra charge. “How to”-support and other options at an additional cost.


Includes one of the following Microsoft plans:

  • Office 365 Enterprise E1
  • Office 365 Enterprise E3
  • Office 365 Enterprise E5

Learn more about these Office 365 plans

  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic
  • Microsoft 365 Business Standard
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Learn more about these Microsoft 365 plans

Additional costs in addition to the prices specified by Microsoft for the packages listed above:

14.80 USD per user/month (annual subscription)

Try it for free for 30 days

The following additional features are available to you:

Intranets: Complete your intranet projects quickly with our intranet sites and use our site templates for this.

Workflows: Our workflow management solution already contains numerous standard workflows and can easily be expanded with your own workflows.

ECM+: Allows you to leverage an integrated document management system that manages all types of documents (including e-mails) in one single system. Benefit from functions such as document versioning and workflows, a powerful metadata-supported search for any document content and revision-proof archiving. Contains all functions of ECM Standard and the following additional features:

  • Advanced e-mail management
  • Flexible document capture via scanner and from other sources with keywording support through Click-to-Index™-OCR functionality


Support: Technical product support with personal contacts by phone or e-mail at no extra charge. “How to”-support and other options at an additional cost.


Includes one of the following Microsoft plans:

  • Office 365 Enterprise E1
  • Office 365 Enterprise E3
  • Office 365 Enterprise E5

Learn more about these Office 365 plans

  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic
  • Microsoft 365 Business Standard
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Learn more about these Microsoft 365 plans

Additional costs in addition to the prices specified by Microsoft for the packages listed above:

7.19 USD per user/month (annual subscription)

Try it for free for 30 days

The following additional features are available to you:

Intranets: Complete your intranet projects quickly with our intranet sites and use our site templates for this.

Workflows: Our workflow management solution already contains numerous standard workflows and can easily be expanded with your own workflows.

Project management: With our multi-project management solutions, you can keep track of your projects and use functions such as to-do management, document management, wikis and issue management – from your computer or mobile with your mobile phone

ECM Standard: Allows you to leverage an integrated document management system that manages all types of documents (including e-mails) in one single system. Benefit from functions such as document versioning and workflows, a powerful metadata-supported search for any document content and revision-proof archiving.

Jezlin: Controlling your SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams provisioning and lifecycle

bribly – the SharePoint UI customizer: Modify your SharePoint Modern Experience user interface

Support: Technical product support with personal contacts by phone or e-mail at no extra charge. “How to”-support and other options at an additional cost.


Includes one of the following Microsoft plans:

  • Office 365 Enterprise E1
  • Office 365 Enterprise E3
  • Office 365 Enterprise E5

Learn more about these Office 365 plans

  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic
  • Microsoft 365 Business Standard
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Learn more about these Microsoft 365 plans

Additional costs in addition to the prices specified by Microsoft for the packages listed above:

21.98 USD per user/month (annual subscription)

Try it for free for 30 days

The following additional features are available to you:

Intranets: Complete your intranet projects quickly with our intranet sites and use our site templates for this.

Workflows: Our workflow management solution already contains numerous standard workflows and can easily be expanded with your own workflows.

Project management: With our multi-project management solutions, you can keep track of your projects and use functions such as to-do management, document management, wikis and issue management – from your computer or mobile with your mobile phone

ECM+: Allows you to leverage an integrated document management system that manages all types of documents (including e-mails) in one single system. Benefit from functions such as document versioning and workflows, a powerful metadata-supported search for any document content and revision-proof archiving. Contains all functions of ECM Standard and the following additional features:

  • Advanced e-mail management
  • Flexible document capture via scanner and from other sources with keywording support through Click-to-Index™-OCR functionality


Jezlin: Controlling your SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams provisioning and lifecycle

bribly – the SharePoint UI customizer: Modify your SharePoint Modern Experience user interface

Support: Technical product support with personal contacts by phone or e-mail at no extra charge. “How to”-support and other options at an additional cost.